MY LAUNCH: Your Story & Build Your List

STEP 1: Create & Practice Your Story

Watch the video to help create your story.

  • How did you find Three? Who introduced you? What excites you about this opportunity? Answer those on the My Launch PDF. 

  • Practice voicing your story. Do this in your car while driving, at home in front of the mirror, and send a voice text to your sponsor.

STEP 2: Build Your List

On your My Business Launch PDF, fill out the Ten Easiest and Ten Best lists.

STEP 3: Learn How to Connect & Invite

  • Introduction
    “There is something I want to share with you.”
    “There is a reason for my call, first how are you - what is new?”

  • Your Story
    Share as you practiced above.

  • The Invite:
    “I thought of you because…”
    “This may or may not be a fit for you…”
    “Would you be open to taking a look?”