MY LAUNCH: Your Story & Build Your List
STEP 1: Create & Practice Your Story
Watch the video to help create your story.
How did you find Three? Who introduced you? What excites you about this opportunity? Answer those on the My Launch PDF.
Practice voicing your story. Do this in your car while driving, at home in front of the mirror, and send a voice text to your sponsor.
STEP 2: Build Your List
On your My Business Launch PDF, fill out the Ten Easiest and Ten Best lists.
STEP 3: Learn How to Connect & Invite
“There is something I want to share with you.”
“There is a reason for my call, first how are you - what is new?”Your Story
Share as you practiced above.The Invite:
“I thought of you because…”
“This may or may not be a fit for you…”
“Would you be open to taking a look?”